Thursday, September 5, 2019

First week of school! La rentrée scolaire!

Bienvenue dans la classe titutaire 9-5 Homeroom class

9-5 Monsieur Beaudoin -

Science: Lisez avec vos parents le syllabus (Course Outline). Vous pouvez en imprimer une copie et la faire signer par vos parents ou simplement leur demander d’écrire et de signer une note dans votre agenda. Voici le lien:


Hello parents and students. Welcome back to school! For the first week of school we have played a few math games, talked about expectations and started reviewing last year’s math concepts. I also handed the textbooks to students. Students are responsible for their textbook and should cover it to protect it this year.
Please find the course outline below

French Language Art: Bonjour chers parents!  Students should have asked you to go over the course outline with them and to sign it. This week, we did some introduction activities and students are now writing about them on a short text called CHER MOI to introduce themself! This is due for Monday the 9th for marks. You can find a copy of the course outline below as a reference. Thanks!   
Grade 9 FLA course outline

Études sociales:  Hi parents!  Students should have asked you to go over the course outline with them and to sign it. We have already started doing the introduction and there will be a VOCAB quiz next week on September 11th. It is also an asset for your son and daughter to read or watch the news so they can be aware of current events and be ready for class discussions. You can find a copy of the course outline following that link. Thanks!

ELA: Welcome back!  This week we have been engaging in some activities to get to know each other and to become familiar with the course outline and classroom organization.  We have also begun our first assignment:  Bookflix!  Ask your child to describe our big grade 9 project idea to you.  Please read and sign the course outline that was sent home.  You can view and print a copy for yourself using the following link:

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